Every year every one of us are pretty much excited and anxious to celebrate the Independence Day which begins with the hoisting of our national flag in public places, singing patriotic songs, speech about the country and the legends of our freedom fighters who lead our country to independence. Every  school has a special assembly on this day for the Independence Day.

On the independence day celebration in our school yesterday, we had a special assembly  for the 70th independence day. all our school cabinet members, house captains, house members   had  an  march in the  ground.                                         

Then we had a  dance on our patriotic songs and a speech like this – 

Although India’s freedom struggle has become history today, 15 August still holds great significance in the hearts of millions of people of the country. Most Indians celebrate the national holiday with family get-togethers and by attending patriotic events.

The national flag is hoisted by the prime minister of India on the ramparts of the Red Fort, Delhi, followed by a speech. Other politicians hoist the flag in their constituencies. People fly kites to express their feeling for freedom.

A national holiday is observed throughout the country with flag-hoisting ceremonies, cultural events and parades. Almost all movie channels entertain their viewers with old and new patriotic movies and classics……………………………………………

Who is your favourite freedom fighter?

Mine is the legendary BHAGAT SINGH.

I like him for his bravery ,his confidence .i am so big fan of that i know  all history that where he lived what he did he do for his  nation. he was born on 28 september1907 in Punjab , Lyalpur (which is in Pakistan now)the Jallianwala bagh incident made a great affect on his life and he immediately left his college and went down to fight for freedom ,he and his team members planted a bomb explosion on 8th April 1929 to take their revenge from the British, but unfortunately he got prisoned  and he died on 23 march 1931.  i salute him of all the things he did for us and because all of these leaders we can say it proudly that “east or west , INDIA is the best.                    

And that’s why there is always   a light lighting for them called the Amar Jawan Jyoti.  In their respect at THE INDA GATE, New Delhi.